The information contained within any correspondence sent by any associate of Short Sale Cooperative is not intended as legal, tax, or brokerage advice and no one is entitled to rely on the contents as such. Please consult your attorney, licensed real estate agent, certified public account or other licensed individual for professional advice in their area of specialty. All correspondence transmissions contain confidential information for the intended addressee. If you are not the intended addressee any republication or retransmission is prohibited.
Short Sale Cooperative, your Short Sale Attorney and your real estate broker are not associated with the government, and our service is not approved by the government or your lender. Even if you accept this offer and use our service, your lender may not agree to change your loan. If you stop paying your mortgage, you could lose your home and damage your credit rating.
Short Sale Cooperative is a subsidiary of The LOWELL Firm, LLC; however, associates working with this segment of our organization are exclusively in the business of providing NON-BROKERAGE, NON-LEGAL, transaction coordination services to Realtors® and Attorneys, throughout the nation. Although associates with our parent organization may, associates with Short Sale Cooperative do not work for or directly represent any homeowner, in any way.
Real Estate Agents
From time to time, Short Sale Cooperative associates may provide advice and or direction to you in connection with the “best practice” processing of your short sale listing. These instructions should not be construed as a professional brokerage directive but rather, as lay opinion which you should consider in connection with your personal, professional opinion. Short Sale Cooperative is not responsible for brokerage errors made by listing agents, even if those errors are the result of advice provided by one of our associates. As the licensed local agent of record, all brokerage decisions made are ultimately your sole responsibility.
Short Sale Cooperative is a licensed real estate firm in multiple states, as necessary per local laws and/or the specific services provided. We're also members of the National Association of REALTORS and committed to 100% ethical and transparent operations which comply with every Federal & State regulation.
Services provided may vary depending on our licensure status, the state in which the short sale property is located, and our specific relationship with the real estate listing agent or the homeowner.
Regardless of laws & regulations, Short Sale Cooperative never engages in debt negotiation, nor do we provide legal or or tax advice of any kind. Any and all references to "Negotiation" or "Negotiators" at this website are meant to describe how we help you negotiate/navigate the short sale process, not negotiate debt.
The legal basis for what we do can be best described as follows: We work for licensed listing agents as their virtual assistant. Agents provide both brokerage and non-brokerage services. We provide those non-brokerage services on their behalf, just like any other real estate assistant would without our assistance, only we do it better. We help licensed agents provide superior services to their clients but only those services which agents are legally licensed to provide, as dictated by the laws of their state. By facilitating the administrative processing & communication aspects of those services, our listing agents are able to focus solely on the brokerage aspects of the transaction, while we handle all of the paperwork and communication.
If licensed real estate agents are not allowed to list and sell short sales in your area, we cannot help you. By choosing to work with Short Sale Cooperative, you are hiring us as your assistant and thus, representing that you are legally allowed to sell short sales in your service areas.
Under the terms of a written listing agreement and only in the states where we’re licensed to sell real estate, Short Sale Cooperative’s affiliate companies may represent homeowners directly, as their licensed real estate agent. In all other states, we work as virtual assistants and exclusively FOR listing agents, NOT the homeowner.
Regardless of our relationship with the homeowner (or lack thereof), we do not charge fees of any kind to any homeowner when working for Listing Agents. And we do not receive payment of any kind from anyone, under any circumstances, until the successful conclusion of services rendered.
For more information, feel free to give us a call at (800) 704-6411.
(800) 704-6411